Perhaps it is the time of year, but recent blog posts have not generated many comments. Last month I suggested a topic about students and social media. I know that several managers have had some challenging issues arise with social media affecting student workers on the job. I was surprised that I got little response. Perhaps this I will submit this topic later in the year.
Now that summer weather is finally upon us, some departments may experience issues regarding appropriate attire in the workplace. Warm weather may bring out short shorts, tank tops, and flip flops. Does your department allow this sort of attire at work? Have you established dress standards for your student employees? If so, are these written? How are these communicated to student workers? Have you been required to have any difficult conversations with student employees about appropriate work attire? How did this turn out?
Have you had other issues with students and inappropriate work attire?
We do not allow inappropriate attire in the work place. As students are hired, they are given a copy of the office dress standards. It is discussed with them to make sure we understand one another. Generally these are young people with, perhaps, their first job. We try to be very non-threatening and non-judgmental regarding their choice of clothing however we do discuss how they wish to be perceived as an individual. They are then asked for any feedback; they sign the form and it is put into their file.
There have been a time or two when a discussion has been needed regarding the expanse of uncovered body. Most times it is just a case of being in a hurry to get to class or not considering their clothing to be in conflict with the code.
We have had no difficulties; the student(s) involved took the discussion graciously and we generally had to have that talk only once.
Student Assistant dress work rules at the Checkout/Information Desk in the Knight Library are these:
“Due to the public-service nature of work at the Checkout and Reserve desks, it is important to be aware of appropriate attire. Although we have not established formal rules, please avoid clothing that is disruptive, offensive, or particularly revealing. If you have questions, please ask the Student Coordinator.”
Staff work rules:
Appearance: Staff are not expected to wear formal clothes to work. Clean, informal wear (such as jeans) is acceptable. Short shorts and halter tops are not. Staff who work in the public eye are expected to give an impression of neatness and confidence; in general, staff should try to avoid wearing things that would offend the majority of our patrons. Staff must wear shoes at all times; staff working with booktrucks regularly should wear close-toed shoes. Staff doing heavy or dirty physical work (such as building book ranges or shifting books) should wear comfortable clothes which do not restrict movement or which are not safety hazards.
There are more problems with students wearing unsafe clothing than “inappropriate”.