Identifying and Developing Learning Outcomes

The UO policy on student employment (policy 03.05.02) states that the purpose of the student employment program at UO is twofold: to provide financial assistance to students to help fund their academic studies and to provide valuable work experience. Laura Willey, Assistant Head, Access Services in the Library has shared an article of interest about how colleges and universities can enhance training for student employees and provide valuable experience to prepare them for career positions .

What efforts have your department made to identify and provide structured opportunities for student workers to learn job-related skills? What successes have you achieved and what have you learned from less-than-optimal results? These job-related, transferable skills may include critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. Have former student workers given you feedback about the skills they learned in a student jobs and those they find valuable in their career job?

What is your reaction to the article? Does it make sense in relation to your experience supervising student workers at UO?